Beyond the Forest: Jewish Presence in Eastern Europe, 2004-2012
Kantor has produced a museum-quality traveling exhibition that features a selection of photographs included in her publication Beyond the Forest that is available for booking. She is interested in giving educational lectures, hosting workshops & book signings and helping to organize panel discussions in conjunction with the exhibition.

Yiddish Book Center Museum, Amherst, MA
March 19 - October 15, 2017
Artist Talk: September 10, 2017
The Griffin Museum of Photography (Main Gallery)
January 12 - March 5, 2017
Artist Talk: February 23, 2017
‘Legacy. Migration. Memory’, Group Exhibition

Tarnów Cultural Center, Tarnów, Poland
June 19 - July 19, 2015
Artist Talk: June 18, 2015

Stephen Clark Gallery, Austin, TX
February 19 - March 21, 2015